Comparative analysis between EURISCO, WIEWS and ECCDBs

Comparative analysis between EURISCO, WIEWS and ECCDBs

The results of the research work on "Comparative analysis between EURISCO and WIEWS and ECCDBs" are available ....

The report of the research work carried out by Anna Hausmann under supervision of Sónia Dias on “Comparative analysis between EURISCO and WIEWS and ECCDBs” has been finalized recently. 

  • <link file:4684 _blank download file>Click here to download the report [PDF]

The work aimed at identifying “gaps” in EURISCO comparing it to WIEWS and to the ECCDB. The research focused on the following objectives:

  • Identify existing “gaps” on passport data/collections to improve EURISCO coverage.
  • Highlighting discrepancies between the 1) EURISCO and WIEWS and 2) EURISCO and ECCDBs.
  • Give insights to address specific NIs data “gaps”.
  • Make recommendations to address the “gaps”, whenever appropriate.
  • Contribute to generate an updated scenario of European PGR information currently available providing a more accurate estimation of the total PGR accessions maintained in European genebanks.

The report identified several issues, described them and set recommendations to improve these in the Catalogue in the upcoming future. 

EURISCO website


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