Integration of barley characterization and evaluation into EURISCO, and development of specifications for a barley crop portal, with a focus to improve the AEGIS collection

Activity Coordinator: Jan Svensson Email

The project "Integration of barley characterization and evaluation data into EURISCO, and development of specifications for a barley crop portal, with a focus to improve the AEGIS collection", submitted by the Barley Working Group for funding under the Activity Grant Scheme, was selected by the Executive Committee and approved in April 2016.


March 2019
The Final Activity Report is available

February 2018
The Nordic Genetic Resource Center have completed their inventory of legacy phenotype data and are in the process of formatting these for upload to EURISCO. The Activity has been extended and the final report is expected by end of May 2018.

March 2017
The joint workshop with the ForageDataAccess Activity took place 14-16 March 2017 in Malmö, Sweden.

The focus of the meeting was on the new C&E module in EURISCO, AEGIS progress, future plans for the WGs including discussions about the possibility of European Crop Portals for forages and barley. At the end of the workshop the meeting participants put together a list of recommendations regarding how to progress with AEGIS, C&E data in EURISCO, quality of the data presented in EURISCO and visibility of European genetic resources, C&E data, EURISCO and ECPGR.

October 2016
Helmut Knüpffer and Stephan Weise participated in a Skype meeting with the task leaders of the ForageDataAccess Activity to discuss the Activities’ overlap and the planned joint meeting to be held in Malmö, Sweden.

ECPGR Barley Working Group