EURISCO National Focal Points Training Workshop for Western Europe

Activity Coordinator: Stephan Weise email

The project "EURISCO National Focal Points Training Workshop for Western Europe", submitted by the Documentation and Information Working Group for funding under the Second Call of the ECPGR Activity Grant Scheme, was selected by the Executive Committee in October 2015. 


The focus of this workshop was on newly appointed National Focal Points (NFPs) and those who could bring characterization and evaluation (C&E) data in the proposed format for upload onto EURISCO.
The workshop was held in Angers, France, 12-14 October 2016, and brought together 13 participants. During the workshop, the participants were introduced to the re-engineered EURISCO system. The main focus was on the update process with special regard on uploading C&E data. NFPs tested uploading data of their National Inventories (NIs) and received responses from the system, and got guidance on interpreting and utilizing these responses to improve their data. The feedback on the uploading system and the search interface will support the further development of EURISCO.