ECPGR communication and public relations strategy

Approved by the Steering Committee, January 2020 [pdf]


Public Awareness Archive

  • AEGIS Brochure: A European Genebank Integrated System (January 2016) [PDF] (861,3 KB)
  • Factsheet Towards Phase IX (2014-2018) (February 2014) [PDF] (613,8 KB)
  • ECPGR Brochure:ECPGR Phase IX(July 2015) [PDF] (1,2 MB)
  • Wider public Brochure (2008) [PDF] (1,4 MB)
    The Wider public Brochure is a public awareness document produced by the ECPGR Secretariat in collaboration with the NGOs, in order to raise awareness on the importance of crop plant diversity and the activities carried out in Europe for conserving crop plant genetic resources for future generations.
  • Technical Brochure [obsolete] [PDF] (1,7 MB)
    The Technical Brochure is a public awareness document produced by the ECPGR Secretariat in order to inform people about the overall Programme's structure and mode of operation.
  • Leaflet on the ECPGR member countries and European Central Crop Databases (ECCDBs) [obsolete][PDF] (299,8 KB)
  • Leaflet on the AEGIS Project (relevant to the project period August 2004-September 2006) [obsolete] [PDF] (86,5 KB)