Facilitating use on the European perennial ryegrass collection: improving access to genetic resources and C&E data

Activity Coordinator:  Jean-Paul Sampoux

The project "Facilitating use on the European perennial ryegrass collection: improving access to genetic resources and C&E data", submitted by the Forages Working Group and the Documentation and Information Working Group for funding under the Sixth Call of the ECPGR Activity Grant Scheme, was selected by the Executive Committee and approved in May 2018.


February 2023
The ImprovLoliumCol Activity was presented by Jean-Paul Sampoux, INRAE, France, at the 1st webinar on ECPGR Grant Scheme Activities. Click below to watch the recording of the webinar.


November 2022
The ImprovLoliumCol Activity was completed with the publication of the Activity report.
This Activity followed up on the work of the FACCE-JPI ERA-NET+ project GrassLandscape, in which 427 accessions from the natural diversity of perennial ryegrass and nine accessions from related taxa were genotyped, phenotyped and documented for the environment of their collection sites. The ImprovLoliumCol activity promoted the inclusion of as many as possible of the accessions used in GrassLandscape into EURISCO and to be flagged as AEGIS and was concluded with 435 accessions registered in EURISCO and 344 expected to be flagged as part of AEGIS. Phenotypic data recorded in the frame of GrassLandscape were made easily available as C&E data via an ECPGR European Forage Portal connected to the EURISCO database. Using new knowledge on the spatial and environmental distribution of the natural diversity of perennial ryegrass provided by GrassLandscape, two levels of core collection were set up, a small one and a large one, including 159 and 211 accessions, respectively. These two levels of core collections were flagged on the forage crop portal.

September 2020
Owing to the covid pandemic, most of the work that was planned to be done in 2020 was delayed. To enable the completion of the tasks, the Activity was extended until the end of April 2022.

September 2019
The mid-term meeting and data training workshop was held on 17 September 2019 at IPK Gatersleben, Germany. An update of the progress of task 1 was presented (upload of as many as possible of the perennial ryegrass accessions used in the project GrassLandscape to EURISCO and flagging of these accessions as AEGIS). 94% of these accessions are now uploaded to EURISCO and 46% are flagged as AEGIS. The prototype of the new forage species portal was presented as well as a proposal for adding descriptors not covered by the MCPDs. The final list of C&E data from GrassLandscape to be uploaded to EURISCO was agreed on. A set of climate and soil data to deliver as descriptors to the forage portal was also agreed on. These data will be provided for uploading by end of 2019 (task 2). A third meeting will be planned in September 2020 to finalise task 3 (setting up several levels of core-collection in accessions from the natural diversity of perennial ryegrass).

December 2018
The preliminary workshop was held 6-7 December 2018 in Paris, France. An overview of objectives and results of the FACCE-JPI project GrassLandscape was presented. Participants agreed upon a procedure and a workplan to promote the registration into EURISCO and the European Forage Collection of accessions studied in this project (438 genebank accessions of perennial ryegrass and related species and 42 newly collected perennial ryegrass populations). They also agreed about which phenotypic data collected in the frame of GrassLandscape could be included as C&E data into EURISCO and which environmental descriptors from this project could be made available as complementary information. The next meeting of the Activity will be held on 17 September 2019 at IPK, Gatersleben, Germany.

Related Information

ECPGR Forages Working Group