ECPGR Brassica Working Group

Recent events

The Brassica Working Group concluded the following two projects:

  1. Identification of unknown accessions from European genebanks, carried out at VIR, St Petersburg, Russian Federation [more info] [link to Archive]
  2. Glucosinolate analysis of a collection of European accessions of wild Brassica and Brassica rapa, carried out at CSIC, Cordoba, Spain [more info] [link to Archive]

The EUCARPIA Genetic Resources section meeting "Pre-breeding - fishing in the gene pool" was held 11-13 June 2013 at NordGen, Alnarp, Sweden. Details are availabe from the meeting website. Many ECPGR members attended the meeting and several presentations referred to ECPGR. Two posters related to Brassica were presented [see here]

Previous years [link to Archive]

Other working documents and publications

Documents developed by the Working Group and publications of interest [link to Archive]

Background information

The formation of a Working Group on Brassica was decided in 1989 and the Group first met in 1991.

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