The ECPGR Ribes and Rubus Database

Vilnius University Botanical Garden
Kairenu 43. LT-2040 Vilnius, Lithuania
Tel: ++(370-2) 317944; Fax: ++(370-2) 317429

Webmaster & Database manager: Dr. Darius Ryliskis

The European Central Ribes/Rubus Database is under construction at the Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania. The Ribes/Rubus Database will be searchable on-line at the Internet server of the VU. We invite all related European institutions to join to the database development with their data contacting the database manager. The database will contain passport data, based on the new version of the FAO/IPGRI Multi-Crop Passport Descriptors (MCPDv1, December 2001). All other data on accessions will be accepted after a separate discussion of compatibility.
The Ribes database contains 2488 records of Ribes accessions held in 11 countries, namely Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Sweden and UK in the meantime.   
The Rubus database contains 665 records of Rubus accessions held in six countries, namely Czech Republic, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Sweden (Nordic Gene Bank) in the meantime.


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Off-line - download


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