ImprovLoliumCol Activity

Mid-term meeting and data training, 17 September 2019, Gatersleben, Germany

Please send us this form before 19 July 2019.

NOTA BENE There are two steps for the submission:

  1. first click on the "submit" button
  2. then check your details and click on the "confirm" button on the bottom of the page

Privacy notice

Please read our privacy notice before ticking the check boxes and submitting the form. We ask for your consent of the publication of the data on the webpage related to the workshop.

* Plane tickets

ECPGR funded participants: You are encouraged to provide your own booking and tickets for your flights, the cost of which will be reimbursed to you via bank transfer after your return, as soon as we receive the original tickets at Bioversity International.

  • if you book your own tickets please indicate "no"
  • if you request a prepaid ticket then please indicate "yes"

Self-funded participants: please indicate in the box "cost of ticket": SELF-FUNDED. Thank you.