The ECPGR Trifolium pratense Database

Institute of Agrobotany
Külsõmezõ 15. 2766, Tápiószele, Hungary 
Tel: ++(36-53) 380070; Fax: ++(36-53) 380072

Database manager: Mr Lajos Horváth

The European Central Trifolium pratense database is maintained by the Institute for Agrobotany (ABI), Tápiószele, Hungary . The elaboration of this European catalogue started at the Federal Agricultural Research Station of Changins, Nyon, Switzerland in 1984. After its two editions and final updating, the datase was transferred to the ABI in 1995. The Trifolium pratense database is searchable on-line at the Internet server of NordGen at Alnarp, Sweden and it consists of three files. One of them, the TPSTRUCT.DOC file contains the information about the structure of the main database file and gives the explanations for the field names and some coded values. The TRIFINST.DBF file holds the names and addresses of the various institutions and donors mentioned as acronyms and FAO codes among the accession data. The real accession data are compiled in the TRIFPRAT.DBF file. It contains passport data of 2294 red clover accessions stored in 19 genebanks or other institutions of 15 European countries. The collections includes commercial varieties (906), bredders' lines (90), primitive or local cultivates (480), wild or semi-natural ecotypes (578) and material of unknown type (127). The duplicates withing the database are marked with the same ECP number. Seed requests should be sent directly to the holding institutes.

Database accessFurther information
On-line - searchContributors
Off-line - download (xls format)Database description
Off-line - download (database format)